Day 1503: NovelRama Day 1

I’m off to a decent start on my quest for 25,000 words in 4 days. Wish me luck.

#tommw 68F mostly cloudy. Breezy

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3 Responses to Day 1503: NovelRama Day 1

  1. Abbott Smith says:


    Write the story you want tell about the characters as you know them. These are your tales, from your perspective, about these people. The Phoenix stories are not Ishmael’s stories so much as Nathan’s stories about Ishmael. The readers will also perceive the stories through our own prisms. That’s OK too. If you tell your version well, everything else will care for itself.

    I didn’t have any issues with where Fire ended, even though I think a conversation with Brill may be a good way to give Ishmael a new vector at the outset of Darkness.

    Regarding Suicide Run, what kinds of space voyages in the Toeholds would constitute a Suicide Run? Always kind of assumed Nat was going to Iron Mountain due to the title in pursuit of Demitry or Inky’s daughter. Either that or a trip back into the High Line that flaunts the fiction that Nat is wanted for murder. At the end of the day, the events are only important in regard to what they reveal about the characters and the specific growth you want to reveal. Have fun. Get some words down. And then see where they take you.


    • Nathan says:

      That’s one of the questions. The book isn’t following the path I expected. They never do.

      • Abbott Smith says:

        We always told our animation students that their initial idea was simply a primer for the pump of the design process. The idea was only useful because it got them drawing and exploring visual relationships. Their most successful design were often where they followed where that journey led. The least successful projects were invariably the ones where their preconceived notions forced their art into a visual dead end.

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