Day 74: Monday, Monday

Gorgeous day, running late as I struggle with the new build and try to find where things are.

#tommw 58F calm, mostly clear

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8 Responses to Day 74: Monday, Monday

  1. So what program are you using to add your album art to your mp3-s?

    • Nathan says:

      the newer version of kid3

      the old one I had on Jaunty didn’t have the capability. this new one on 10.10 does. 😀

  2. Anita Lewis says:

    I have a puzzle I haven’t been able to solve:

    I have two versions of Ubuntu on my laptop: 10.4 and 11.4.

    When you changed the conversion process for your podcast so that they were in mono 8000Hz 64kbps instead of what they were earlier which was stereo and I think around 40oooHz, I saw a change in quality. This change was not seen in my 10.04 version of Rhythmbox, but shows up in the 11.4 version. I notice that in Audacious or Aqualung on 11.4, I do not get the problem listening. It is like there is an echo or something that distorts.

    I know it is not your problem, Nate, because making the podcast in mono makes sense. It makes the files smaller which is nice for downloading. I work around the problem by listing in something that works. Most people won’t have the problem at all, because I imagine this is something to do with the system which most people don’t use. Anyway, I mention it, because some day someone may complain to you of the quality and you might want to ask about their system rather than try to figure out why it sounds fine to everyone else.

    If I find out what is causing this on my system, I’ll let you know. And if you know what it might be, I’m all ears.

    • Tara Li says:

      I use VLC to play, and heard no audible difference. I’d file a bug with the Ubuntu Launchpad, including the URL of one of the files that gives you problems.

    • Nathan says:

      Check the playback profile on your Rhythmbox. There are several presets to add extra sound — like reverb — to your playback to make it sound more like it’s in a big hall.

      • Tara Li says:

        *brain cracks at the weirdness of defaults like that*

      • Anita Lewis says:

        The only options I see in Rhythmbox preferences for playback is for crossfading and network buffer size.

        I have another mono podcast that I forgot about and listened to it in Ubuntu 11.04. It sounds the same in Rhythmbox. So it seems that it is not because it is mono. And I don’t mean that the quality of the recording is bad. It is something to do with the conversion that gets picked up only in Ubuntu 11.04 and only with the more elaborate media players and not with audacious or aqualung. I have to reboot into 11.04 and see how it sounds in audacity.

        This is not so much a problem for me, but rather it is a puzzle. It is by no means a complaint about the sound quality. I posted it more as a heads up in case down the road you hear about it.

        I can tell you that I downloaded one of the podcasts you made before you were trying it out on your netbook and it did not have this feature. So it seems to be a combination of your newer method of conversion and my newer method of listening.

        • Anita Lewis says:

          Clear as a bell in Audacity. I’ll drop it until I actually find out what is happening and then I’ll post it to the bug report. Thanks for listening.

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